How to Shop Sustainably for your Family

Shop sustainably for your family

Have you been trying to shop sustainably for your family? First, let’s talk about Fast Fashion. According to Audrey Stanton at The Good Trade, Fast Fashion “is a design, manufacturing, and marketing method focused on rapidly producing high volumes of clothing”. Typically, buyers see a decrease in clothing quality when purchasing from Fast Fashion brands. Fast Fashion pieces are often trend-driven and made from cheaper materials. These garments are not likely to remain in your wardrobe as long-term staple pieces. 

For families on a budget, it can make sense to gravitate towards inexpensive Fast Fashion retailers. Children grow quickly, often requiring new articles of clothing or shoes. It can seem impractical to purchase expensive jackets or boots each season, particularly when they will only fit your child for a few months. In an article for Sustain Your Style, Mathilde Charpail states that the fashion industry uses approximately 1.5 trillion litres of water every single year; moreover, the average article of clothing is only worn about 7 times before being discarded. Charpail also notes that approximately 20% of the world’s industrial water pollution can be attributed to clothing dyes or other treatments. 

These statistics are scary and many of us want to shop sustainably, but how? Here are a few things that parents can keep in mind while shopping for their children.

Have you checked out your local thrift stores recently? A good thrift store can be your best friend! Search your local consignment stores for gently-used clothing for your whole family. One of my favourite things about thrift shopping is the incredible quality of the garments I find. In my experience, “older” pieces of clothing are typically made from more durable materials. These items will likely last much longer than their newer counterparts. You don’t have to purchase a new winter jacket each year from a Fast Fashion retailer. Instead, you could invest in a quality secondhand piece that will last you multiple seasons. 

In our previous article – Winter Gear for Less: Outfitting Your Family in Colder Weather – I discuss the benefits of shopping for outerwear on Facebook Marketplace. You can also hold a ski-swap and exchange winter pieces with your family and friends. Shopping for secondhand clothing is an easy, small step that helps to reduce our ecological footprint. Growing up, I always wore hand-me-downs from my cousins. Our family still shares garments that are durable and can be worn by multiple family members. For families with children, it makes more sense to seek out gently-worn and sustainable pieces of clothing. This can be far more cost effective than repeatedly repurchasing clothing that will quickly break down in the washing machine. Shopping at thrift stores is a simple and less expensive way to outfit your family, while also keeping textiles out of the landfill. 

At Roam, we understand the financial strain that many families face every day. We hope these tips help you shop sustainably and save money this holiday season! For more money-saving ideas, check out these Tips and Tricks to Ease Financial Strain

Further Reading